Bill Crockett Ministries



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  • 13-LTM--Decision Making-Knowing God's Will

    12/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    This is the final session in our Let's Talk Marriage series. It is all about God's Will. How do we know if it is God's will for us to be married-- This session will describe what God's will is and how you can know God's Will in your decisions, especially the decision -Is It God's Will for us to be Married--- It will take you through 7 steps to knowing God's will.

  • 12-LTM-Confronting Conflict and Winning

    12/04/2024 Duração: 17min

    In every marriage there will be personal conflict, disagreements and -fighting.- It's a part of human nature. However, when these conflicts arise God gives us the formula to solve the conflict and move forward instead of quitting. In this session we will discover what that formula is and learn how to resolve conflict in our marriage. This may be the single most important lesson in the entire series.

  • 11-LTM-Conflict and the Causes

    12/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    Quite often married couples go through an extended period of strife and conflict not long after being married and conclude that the reason they fight so much is that they should have never been married. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this lesson we discover why this is not true and what causes this normal period of strife in a newly married couples life. We will also see what God says about the issue of strife in marriage. It is normal.

  • 10-LTM-Managing Your Money

    12/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    In this session we study the basics of finances in marriage. Such issues budgeting, the 4 basic needs that must be covered first, saving, giving, children - more.

  • 09-LTM-The Physical Relationship in Marriage

    12/04/2024 Duração: 15min

    Sex and marriage. What is the only way sex is blessed and sanctioned by God-- We will discuss 4 warnings God gives about the physical relationship in marriage that should be considered before marriage.

  • 08-LTM-Parenting

    12/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    Children are a gift from God and bring with them responsibility. In this session we will discuss planning for children, what if we are not able to have children and basic principles of training children.

  • 7-LTM-God's Design for the Wife

    04/04/2024 Duração: 25min

    The Biblical design for the wife in the home causes everything else to fall into place. The key to helping women fulfill their role in the home is for men to be the men God made them to be and treat their wives the way God teaches them to treat them. When men don't do their part, it makes it very difficult for the women. However, wives can single handedly impact not only their husbands but ultimately the entire home by living the way God designed them to live. In this lesson we will see that God's design for the wife is both powerful and impactful. Also, we will see that God's design is nothing like what the world portrays when it comes to submission and working outside the home or having a career. The godly woman is both the CEO of her home and a hard worker in the home and outside the home. Grab your Bible and hang on for God's design for the wife-

  • 6-LTM-God's Design for the Husband

    04/04/2024 Duração: 17min

    This lesson will help us to understand the God given role of the husband in marriage. Submission is not just for the wife. I believe the Bible teaches that submission is the key to every relationship in the home. In this lesson we will learn what submission means for the man.

  • 5-LTM-Roles & Responsibility in Marriage

    04/04/2024 Duração: 18min

    One of the most misunderstood aspects of marriage are the God given roles of the husband and wife. The world has so distorted the meaning of things like submission and leadership that homes today are a mess. In this lesson we will define what a role is and the need for roles in light of what the Bible says and not what the media and the world portrays.

  • 2-LTM-Establishing Expectations

    15/03/2024 Duração: 12min

    A look at what is involved in establishing realistic expectations in marriage.

  • 1-LTM-Purpose of Marriage Counselling

    15/03/2024 Duração: 16min

    A study on why marriage counseling is important from God's perspective.

  • 0-LTM-Introduction

    15/03/2024 Duração: 08min

    An introduction to the Lets Marriage Series with a brief bio of Bill Crockett and an overview of all 13 lessons.

  • Lesson 4-Are We Ready For Marriage?

    20/08/2023 Duração: 31min

    In this lesson we will talk about 5 areas of life that can be a red flag that we are not ready for the marriage commitment. Marriage brings a lot of change in life style and one must not only understand what these changes will be but be willing to make these changes. This does not necessarily mean we shouldn't get married but it may indicate we need a little more before we are ready.

  • Two Becoming One

    15/08/2023 Duração: 28min

    God talks about a man and woman becoming one when they get married. What does that mean and what things do we need to look at prior to making this commitment-- This lesson will help you to understand the change that is about to take place in your life when you say -I Do.-

  • Preparation for War - Pt 2

    28/06/2023 Duração: 37min

    2Corinthians 10-3-4a -NLT- - -We are human, but we don't wage war as humans do. We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons...--To win this war in our minds we must use God's weapons not the world's. In this study we will continue to learn about each piece of God's armor, what it is and how to use it in everyday life. These pieces of God's armor are critical in helping us win the war in our mind and overcoming depression, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem, etc.

  • Preparation for War pt 1

    28/06/2023 Duração: 24min

    In the war in our minds that we fight every day, God has provided spiritual resources for us to use that will guarantee victory. In the next two lessons we will look at these resources to discover what they are and how to use them.

  • The War Within pt 2

    09/06/2023 Duração: 24min

    Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, inferiority, anger, jealousy, envy, guilt, grief and loneliness are potentially paralyzing issues that take place in a person's mind. Most of us will battle one or more of these in our life time. We are in a 2 part lesson looking at the 4 characteristics of this war in our mind. In lesson 1 we learned that it is a Spiritual War so God must be involved. In this lesson we will look at the last 3 characteristics. These 4 characteristics are foundational in learning how to win the battle against these issues in our mind.

  • The War Within pt 1

    02/06/2023 Duração: 36min

    The greatest battle that we face as believers is the battle in our mind. As Paul says in Romans 7-21-23---Rom 7-21 NLT-I have discovered this principle of life--that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.--Rom 7-22 NLT-I love God's law with all my heart.--Rom 7-23 NLT-But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.--In this lesson we will begin our discussion of the 4 characteristics of this war that takes place in our mind. These 4 characteristics help us to understand how to confront this battle and win.

  • Our Emotions - Introduction

    26/05/2023 Duração: 35min

    In this lesson we will introduce -The Battle For Our Emotions- Series. We will talk about why this is important as well as the topics that will be covered. You will not want to miss this foundational lesson to one of the most listened to series we have done. This is an updated version to this same series that we did several years ago.

  • What Happens after We Die?

    05/05/2023 Duração: 42min

    Once we die and leave this earth for our eternal home in Heaven, what happens next-- In this lesson we will examine the events from death to the final state in the New Heaven and New Earth. Some of these events take place in Heaven and some of them take place on the Earth. Events such as the resurrection, Judgment in Heaven, Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Great White Throne Judgment and the Second Coming of Jesus. Enjoy as we explore what the Bible says about our existence after we die.

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